Sunday, March 11, 2012

Question 4

Question 4

My small amount of research yesterday got me thinking more about humans in space and what that would be like. To further explore this phenomina I returned to the NASA website which had a multitude of sources for continued reading on the topic at the bottom. I chose one that was on the NSS website (National Space Society), which is sponsored by NASA. The article was titled Space Settelment Nexus, and went on in great detail about how the colonization would be possible, and what benefits it had with it. Some exapmles that were listed as are follows.

  • "The largest asteroid, Ceres, has enough material to build orbital space settlements with a total living area well over a hundred times the land area of the Earth.
  • One smallish asteroid, 3554 Amun, has about $20 trillion worth of metals. There are tens of thousands of asteroids.
  • The energy available for space settlements exceeds 2 billion times the total energy currently used by humanity."

  • I found these stats rather interesting and impressive, but ultimatly my belief that space living is not somthing to be concerned with at this moment still stands. TI believe that there are problems here and now on earth that should be dealt with before people turn to the skies in search of more money making industries.

    Sources in order of appaerance:

    "Space Settlement - National Space Society." National Space Society. NASA, 16 Dec. 2011. Web. 11 Mar. 2012. <>.

    1 comment:

    1. "Research of colonization of space should begin now", knowing that the earth's resources won't last forever and with the ever increasing population humans in space becomes a more and more likely possibility
