Sunday, March 11, 2012

Question 5

Question 5

So while I was able to find some answers to the question I had about living and traveling through space, and what inhabbitating other places outside of earth would be like. However, this gave me new ideas and questions. One question I now have is if some individuals are born more prone to leadreship roles. Is it possible that some people are born with natural leadership ailities. I am confident that i will not find an actual answer to my question, but it is somthing i have wondered for a number of years. I naturally returned to google's search engine to find my answer, and typed in "some people natural leaders", and twords the bottom of the page i found a link that seemed promising. It was from a newspaper article that was discussing businesss tactics and news from a seminar about businesses. "the capacity to lead is an inherent quality, and if it is coupled with some business nous it's a fantastic combination" (The Telegraph). According to this quote, natural born leadership is a phenonina that some are born with, and in my experience I believe this is true. Some people seem to be born more athletic, just as some people seem to be born with a natural apptitude for leadership and persaverance.

Sources in order of appearance:

 "Spot the Natural Leader." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 17 Mar. 2005. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. <>.

1 comment:

  1. You could explore the idea of nature vs nuture with twins separated at birth to help make a claim on which factor is more beneficial.-Jordan King
