Monday, March 12, 2012

Question 6

Question 6

After watching the Boston Celtics vs. L.A. Lakers game yesterday and contemplating what i had researched, i had more questions regarding inherent traits in humans. For instance, does someones inherent abilities trump anothers countless hours of practice? While i realize that this question is broad and will not be the same for every person, i would like to find some opinions of others. I guess my question boils down to nature vs nurture being dominate over the other. So i turned to google's search engine and typed "nature vs nurture athleticism", and found multiple different searches that looked promising. I chose one of the first posts and began reading it. " these guys probably needed both genetics and the environment to become so talented. Without training and opportunities, artists and athletes probably would not have much success. And without genetics, they would have had an even harder time" (Dr. Karen Fitch). This source, Dr. Karen Fitch, seems to imply that both rely on each other more than overpower each other. I would partially agree with this. I believe the two rely on each other, but i do believe that one is more likely to overpower the other. Never the less, it is interesting to see what a doctor from Stanford believes.

Sources in order of appearance:

 Fitch, Dr. Karen. "Ask a Geneticist." Understanding Genetics: Human Health and the Genome. 15 Feb. 2005. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <>.

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